Saturday, July 11, 2015

Food, And It's Role In Life

After reading the excerpt from McKenzie’s essay, I would have to say that I find myself standing where she does on the subject of food and feeling that my personal experiences do indeed parallel hers. I would have to agree with her that food and eating are something that are done for more than just gaining the nutritional benefits that are garnished from food.  I do mostly believe that food matters because of the benefits that your body is able to receive from consumption, but I also feel as though it matters because it can be related to personal relationships, as McKenzie says, “Food brings people together in ways that other activities cannot.” I absolutely think that she is right in saying this, whether it’s a home cooked meal around the family dinner table, or a meal at a table in a restaurant, by the end of the meal there’s always been good conversation and a connection that I honestly don’t think you feel anywhere else. To quote her essay again, “The people around the table make the food worth eating.”  A good example of this from my own personal life and how it parallel’s hers, would be Thanksgiving Dinner, and lunch on Memorial Day. On each of these days my family goes to my Great Grandma’s house and all gathers around tables spread throughout her home. To be completely honest, the food is just regular food, some turkey and stuffing, some mashed potatoes and sweet yams, but I know that it’s been made with love. I know that it didn’t have to be made, but that my family members have chosen to make something to bring to enjoy around the table with others. To sum it all up, food is just food, but people, the people around the table can make it into so much more than just a meal.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Sam,

    Could you please post this quotation at the top of your blog so your readers can know what you are responding to? Thanks!

    “Food is not a want, but a necessity. In order to live a productive, healthy life we must have nourishment for our physical body to survive. To me, however, food has been much more than a source of physical energy. A good meal has been much more than an item on a checklist of things I need to remember to do that day. And a meal made with love is always much more delicious than one made just to complete the task. I believe food and family together is a source of happiness. Food brings people together in ways most other activities cannot. For me, hunger does not always mean my stomach is growling. I hunger for food in a way that most people probably wouldn’t understand. It is not my stomach that is longing for a succulent piece of the most tender cut of filet mignon, it is my entire soul. And not only because of the way it smells after its long trip through the buttery, sautéed mushrooms, into the creamy béchamel sauce; But because of the people who are around me at the table, admiring that same flawless, manna from heaven. The people around the table make the food worth eating.”

    Also, please post the link to the original essay, so your readers can find it if they want:

    Good balance to your post. I like that you cite your own experience as part of this. A reader of blogs often comes to read about other people's lives, so that's important; plus, we are working on personal writing right now, so it is also important for that reason.

    I like your closing sentence a lot. I think you tie it all together; people don't exist without food, but without people food does not have as much meaning.

    Good work!
